Anyway, I have to admit that I never felt quite at home as I was pursuing the MBA, as it was some weird world where people acted like they were in high school or college, but were really in their late 20's/early 30's. There would be constant parties until 4AM each night and scandalous encounters would happen after I had already exited each event. People clawed after one another for a spot at the coveted McKinsey or Goldman Sachs companies. And a supposedly "popular" crowd of people, who acted like they were BFF's since the first day they met, basically set the tone for the school's culture. Definitely not a great place for someone who's socially awkward and doesn't like most people. =P
I also have to admit that my creativity has really been stifled over those 2 years (I'm sure many people can see that business school is all about conformity), so I haven't had many interesting thoughts to share.
I do, however, still need to post photos sometime of my travels. During the past two years, I had visited, but not posted photos of:
- Costa Rica
- India
- the Philippines
- Thailand
- Singapore
- Canada (Toronto and Vancouver-- for the 2010 Olympic Games!)
- Nicaragua
- Austria
- Hungary
- Slovakia
And now, as I enter a stage in my life-- where I am searching for the next big thing, I feel like I can start blogging again about all that's going on.
In addition to my internship and job search, I also moved three different times to new sublet arrangements in the past few months (i.e. I've been "grasshopping" across Manhattan). Once to a former classmate's/ex-friend's apartment near my old business school. Once to a boarding house in midtown east. And now, I shall be moving onto an apartment share in a luxury building on the crookedest street in the world (hint: NOT Lombard Street in San Francisco).
Give up? I'm moving to WALL STREET!
Yep, Grasshopper is going where the sharks swim and living in the crucible of all evil. It'll be an interesting time, if anything...
I've also been going to the gym a lot lately and I swear that my newly washed grey polo shirt didn't fit as easily around the armholes as before. Either the shirt had shrunk or my biceps have gotten bigger. I'd like to imagine it's the latter. Teeheehee!

OK, it's 6AM and I still haven't slept. Not really sure why I'm so awake (unless you count the fact that I woke up at 11AM this morning, watched online videos, went back to sleep and got to the pool only at 5PM), but I should really try to get rest at a normal time. Don't wanna turn into a vampire! Hahahah.

Good night, world!
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