Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lost and Found...

Oddly enough, I had this weird experience today that has me jarred-- and this is sort of a follow-up to last week's posting...

I had a meeting with a client for one of my classes today and I lost my glasses in the haze of the morning. When I got home later in the day, I was sad to find my extra pair of eyes gone. :(

So of course, I passed out at 6PM on my bed and woke up an hour later with an irritation in my eye. I rubbed it briefly and then it was gone-- but so was my left contact lens, I noticed.

So the universe was playing some sort of strange game where it wanted me to be blind...

And a few months ago, I put these two Buddha paintings in a bag, where I meant to give one of the paintings to my Mei-Mei and keep another for myself. But I lost them and couldn't find them!

So here's the strange part...

I suddenly had a thought to look in this brown paper bag for the Buddha paintings-- and there they were!

Then (although I had already combed through my apartment with a flashlight-- and even dug through my trash, looking for leads!), I saw my glasses hanging on a window curtain string in the bathroom!

AND I found my contact lens on the floor next to the bed, where I had ALREADY looked earlier in the day!

I was wondering if this was some weird poltergeist playing a prank on me, but I'm not really that insane. Hahahah!

It is a weird coincidence that I had a bunch of lost things found today... I just wish I could think of more things I've lost, so that I could find them now.

I'm on quite a roll as of the past 2 hours!

(And now, I think I'm finally over the Fray song, since I'm experiencing the founding of lost posessions...)

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