And of course, all the typical thoughts ran through my head: terrorism? the Yankees pitcher?? if only they had won against the Tigers!!! the weather was bad, so why was he out flying??? wait, why isn't there better air security in Manhattan?????
But today, I started to remember an old classmate of mine from Penn-- Abraham Huang.
I had met Abe after he transferred to Penn from Perdue and he lived a few floors above me in the dorms. I didn't really know him too well, but I remember that whenever people found out that he rode a motorcycle, they were always concerned about his safety. And he always told them that it was perfectly safe-- the same way Cory Lidle always touted the safety of piloting his own airplane (despite the famous airplane deaths of John Denver, Yankees captain Thurman Munson, John F. Kennedy Jr. and more).
In December of 2001, Abe died in a motorcycle accident on a Philadelphia highway and we were all shocked. =(
I guess I don't really have a point to make, but it just seems like these risky activities just aren't the best idea for extracurricular activities-- and I understand the hipocrisy of my saying this, as someone who just recently jumped out of an airplane. =P
Baseball players have it written into their contacts that if they get injured while taking these risks, part of their contract will be voided. And sometimes, I wish they would take the hint and just not do these things.
I just hope that everyone out there realizes the fragility of life and is more careful before they drive a car, fly a plane or ride a motorcycle.
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