Sunday, October 08, 2006

Rolling through the streets of New York

So I just had an ENORMOUS "Woody Allen" (i.e. corned beef + pastrami) sandwich-- followed by a strawberry cheesecake-- at the Carnegie Deli, and I think I'm going to die.

I spent all weekend around Manhattan with my mom, checking out different places from the Open House New York and we rewarded ourselves with the HUGE Carnegie Deli dinner tonight.

I think I won't be able to eat for a few days... =P

We walked all around New York, during the Open House...

We went to a number of places on Saturday-- include this teensy Catholic church in Chelsea (of all places), some super-lame architectal firm in the Garment District, this Museum of Art and Design (next to the MoMA) and the townhouse of Paul Rudolph (which was AMAZING!! I want my house designed by someone with this man's vision).

We also tried going to this place called Exit Art in Hell's Kitchen, except it was unexpectedly closed for renovations. These nice strangers we met from Long Island actually gave us a ride back to the Upper West Side after we all discovered that the Exit Art place was closed.

So a BIG THUMBS DOWN to Exit Art!!

And today, we saw the Mount Vernon Motel-- a 1700's country club from early in New York's history, a Russian Orthodox Cathedral and these 2 Marble Cemetaries in the East Village (the New York CITY Marble Cemetary was the obvious better of the 2) and the Scandinavia House in Murray Hill.

Overall, a pretty good weekend! =)

Everyone should definitely check out the next Open House New York!!

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