Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Politicians who screw the gay community...

So I got photos from this past weekend.... Here's my Pictionary team, consisting of (from left to right): my Stuy friend's girlfriend, RyT, me and the dyke (yes, that IS a girl...):

And here's a picture of everyone:

Notice the lesbian couple making out on my lap and RyT's girlfriend, sitting next to him.

Speaking of gay issues, I just wanted to say how disgusting I think this Republican Florida Congressman, Mark Foley is being.

After being outed as a pedophile (who had numerous inappropriate IM's with his underage congressional male pages), Foley's lawyer made some statement on his behalf about how he was "molested by a Catholic priest as a youth", is in rehab and "is a gay man".

Obviously, he's looking for sympathy, but my question is: What the FUCK does being a gay man have to do with ANY of this??

The fact that he happens to be gay is completely incidental to all the shit he's pulled. And I hope the gay community tells this fool that they don't want him.

I think it's really disturbing that politicians like Mark Foley and Jim McGreevey decide to come out AFTER they're caught doing something wrong.

Why didn't you freaks come out when you were in office??-- rather than after you were forced to resign!!

This just casts a completely negative light on the gay community and I hope that Americans will not relate these bad apples to the gay community at large (although who knows how stupid Americans will be?). =P

1 comment:

evil_fizz said...

Well, except for the fact that McGreevey was screwing around with adults instead of minors.