Basically, I had a pretty rotten day. I received two additional job rejections to add to my pile (including this one cool part-time position that woulda made me essentially, an Avenue Q consultant-- a person who helps college students figure out their purpose in life and how they want to shape their career). And my friend who was supposed to attend a Tibetan movie premier with me was sick after going through a relapse of dysentery (which she caught in China-- another reason I have no interest in visiting there) or getting food poisoned. In any case, I was left alone.
So I went to the movie premier all by my lonesome and sat in the back corner, since the only people I knew were the hosts of the event and they were too busy to chat with me.
All of a sudden, I turn around and I see an old friend who was just about to tap me on the shoulder and ask, "Excuse me, sir. Is this seat next to you taken?"
What were the odds?!?!?
I went to this one event feeling pretty bad and a random coincidence happened restored good feelings about my world. I feel like this was some kind of wake-up call for me that things would turn out all right... =)
In case you're curious, this was the movie we were watching: Tibet in Song.

Anyway, these ruminations about what's meant to be had me thinking back to my time in Thailand too-- so as promised, I'd like to share some photos of my trip with you.
Here's my first meal of street chicken pad thai and milk tea (also known as a "Thai iced tea" outside of Thailand) next to a small lotus pond on the street. This became my staple food for the entire trip. Yummy and cheap!
This was a monk I saw, lighting a candle in a temple that my first tuk tuk driver took me to (before he tried to talk me into getting a prostitute!).
Shockingly, I was able to meet some chicks whilst touring around different areas by myself. Here I am with my first girlfriend-- Bambi, a pretty tall Japanese girl from Osaka (some of the other friends I made on the trip swore that she must be a model). She wouldn't stop making that annoying peace sign in every photo, though. We toured the floating market and saw a cobra show together--it was definitely love. Unfortunately, I was too stupid to remember to get her contact info after we met! Boo!!

Here's the sign of respect that Ronald McDonald pays all visitors of this land. Heheheh.
The next day, as I was touring the Bridge over the River Kwai, I made a new girlfriend-- a Chinese girl Phoebe who seemed to love me! Unfortunately, her government doesn't allow the zillions of photos she took of myself and her to get posted on the web, so our time together was not meant to be...
Rwaaaarrrr!! I got to hang out with some cool Thai-gers at this temple! I still think they must've been sedated, given how calm they were with strangers coming around and taking photos with them...
And here is lovely Grasshopper, in front of a holy Banyan tree in the Ayutthaya kingdom. The Banyan tree was the one under which the original Buddha attained enlightenment . Over the years, many people have cut the heads off of Buddha statues and stolen them (not really sure what for-- besides maybe displaying in their living rooms). This one head, however, landed on the ground and became encased in a Banyan tree. Another sign of "it's meant to be"?? Perhaps!!
I also had an insanely lucky day this week. I got standby tickets to the Martha Stewart show (even getting ahead of an old lady who was ALWAYS trying to get standby tickets), and I got a pizza from Di Fara's (supposedly the best pizza place in NY) without waiting a minute! On that day, one of my friends flaked out on meeting with me-- but another friend randomly IMed me and we got to meet up! I even tried to play my good fortune by buying $5 worth of lottery tickets-- but alas, that wasn't meant to be... I think my way to earn money will have to be through hard work and not blind luck. Oh well... It was still good that I got some of the things I wanted that day, though!
I've been thinking a lot about my next step in life, though, and I've been getting the idea that Boston or East Timor (or perhaps any other obscure country in the South Pacific) would be good locations. Not sure if this has to do with some songs I've been listening to about those places, though... Heheheheh.