I understand that everyone feels stressed out for different reasons and it's human nature to complain, but this is something that's really been bothering me lately.
Being in business school for the past few months, I admit that there's been a lot on my plate.
But people who talk about how "horrible" their lives are-- because we have recruiting events, homework, midterms <
Coming to b-school, didn't they realize that there would be recruiters and that taking classes would require us to do homework and take exams?
And in this economy, shouldn't they be grateful that recruiters are still coming to campus at all??
I'm having a tough time feeling compassionate for these people who feel that they're the helpless victims of "horrible" circumstances...
I also had another talk this weekend with some friends that kind of annoyed me too.
This guyI know received a soy sauce chicken from a woman who wanted to thank him for writing a recommendation for her son.
So he was complaining about how weird that was (since it's such a burden for him to carry around a soy sauce chicken)-- and other people were actually agreeing!!
I'm not sure what culture this Chinese American dude grew up in, but as far as I can remember, food has always been a pretty good gift to receive.
There are some cultures where food is very scarce, and believe it or not, there are some people who actually don't have the luxury of having a good meal every night.
So suffice it to say that I find it annoying when people bitch and moan about really trivial things (although I guess I'm being hypocritical by complaining about them, and thereby becoming a mindless complainer too!).
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