I was walking back to my apartment tonight and BOTH old cat ladies on my floor had decided to keep their apartment doors open and sit around the hallway chatting with each other. The smell of kitty litter flooded the halls and nearly 10 cats were wandering around. It made me sick to my stomach-- and kind of reminded me of the feeling I had when the Red Sox won on Sunday (not kidding...).
The fact that Joe Torre is leaving the Yankees is also pretty sad. I seriously thought/hoped that Don Mattingly would get the position-- he was perfectly groomed for the job!!-- but it wasn't meant to be. Now all I can do is wish Joe Girardi the best of luck in the position of Yankees manager and bid Joe Torre and Don Mattingly a fond farewell.

Therefore, for Halloween 2008, I will dress as (drum roll, please)....

All I need are the red sneakers and the green sweater vest and I'm set!
He was always writing in his journals, talking about his life and going through the daily grind.
I really appreciate the fact that Doug was just an average guy-- a great role model for me as I was in junior high.
And the fact that he was so in love with Patti Mayonnaise really reminds me of how I was feeling about a certain someone...

I've been remembering old episodes of Doug all weekend and I couldn't get the theme song, or the WONDERFUL music (i.e. Banging on a Trashcan, Killer Tofu) out of my head.
Thank goodness for youtube!
Anyway, as promised, here are a few selected photos from my San Francisco vacation (courtesy of my wonderful May-May and her digital camera!!)...
This is me, "sliding" down one of San Francisco's highly inclined streets:
And here I am with the beautiful Meimei, in front of Alcatraz Island:
And here's your Yellow American Grasshopper, feasting on some wine grapes!!
Unfortunately, photos of my solitary bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge were taken on my disposable camera and are unavailable for online viewing at this time. (Maybe I'll upload them one day and share them with the world...).
I also wanted to mention an "Ugly Betty" moment that I had in San Francisco (of course, I didn't realize that it was an "Ugly Betty" moment until well after the fact... =P).
My friend was turning 25 and we decided to go to a chick bar. I decide to look my 'best' and threw on a tank top for the occasion-- after which I got complimented by the most inappropriate source in the world.
It was totally reminiscent of the second(?) episode of "Ugly Betty" where the title character undergoes a horrid makeover and gets wolf-whistled by some construction workers.
"ME!?!?" she asks them, with a big smile on her face. And after they nod, she thanks them!
Oh, the small things that unattractive people appreciate...
Something is certainly rotten in the state of the Yellow American Grasshopper.
I think it's my whole outlook on the world.
I'm gonna go meditate now...