Sunday, November 26, 2006

Gobble Gobble!

So I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving 2006!

Mine was pretty typical.

Dinner at my mom's house on Thursday (thank goodness my mom didn't invite more guests than our immediate family-- it woulda been too crowded), some shopping with my family on Friday (which forced me to skip my usual high school friends' get-together), and a typical weekend after that (although I should mention that I visited the former bain of my existence-- Stuyvesant High School-- on Saturday and it was pretty boring).

This year, we cooked our Thanksgiving turkey breast-side-down and it came out especially well! We had a bunch of dark meat immediately available to us and it fell RIGHT OFF THE BONE!! I just finished some leftovers I took back to my apartment.

Otherwise, though, this weekend has been incredibly lame.

I'm thinking about taking the GMAT's (i.e. the SAT's for business school) sometime soon, so I've been doing this workbook each day and it's been making me feel worse than I normally do.

I feel like my life is back to studying and evaluating myself all the time. And I worry that my score won't be high enough-- especially considering that I've very little to differentiate myself from other candidates and NEED a perfect score to be considered by the schools I'm considering.

Right now, my target is to have this done by the time I'm 25 and apply for the entering class of 2008... =/

In other news, I had a shitload of work last week, but I didn't get most of it done and now I'm a bit stressed about tomorrow's day.

I think I should go to bed now and wake up at 5AM, so that I can get some extra stuff done tomorrow.

Oh wonderful job... =(

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