Monday, October 30, 2006

My spiritual life...

So last week, I went to this "New Life Expo", which was basically a convention of all these new age organizations.

Some of it was total garbage (e.g. these $5,000 crystals supposedly from Tibet that would change you energy fields), and some of it was pretty cool (e.g. this mixture of 30+ dried fruits and veggies from Wholefood Farmacy,

But there were a few things that I actually spent money on that I was particularly curious about...although they were kinda the same thing.

Basically, I had an "energy healing" and a photo of my aura taken. And both of these analyses seemed to reveal the same things.

I can't quite explain how aura photos work, but the final output is this photograph of yourself in a cloud of color-- like so:

(and I also had photos of my chakras taken...).

For me, my aura turned out to be indigo-- although other energy fields around me where different colors.

A few things in my analyses that kinda surprised me

  • They say that I'm stressed, which might or might not be true, depending on the day and the situation I'm in.
  • They also said that the side of my spirit that is open to embracing new friends is very strong-- which I don't think is really true, considering that I haven't really made any new friends recently. =P
  • And on the flip side, they also said that the side of my soul that tries to hold people back is very weak. So I get taken advantage of-- which isn't really the case, since I tend to drop friends more than most people I know.
  • Overall, they also said that I have low energy-- something that I also disagree with.
  • BUT, I'm very intuitive-- which I'd like to think is true. ;-)
  • AND that I'm a "great lover". Hahahahahah! =D

So overall, I have no clue whether or not I actually trust this stuff...

Nevertheless, I also saw this cool new aerial yoga technique that I'd really LOVE to get into-- if only I could ever afford to have this type of contraption in my home (which will also require me to build a big exercise room =P).

I can definitely see this kind of exercise becoming big-- as long as idiots don't go about foolish lawsuits when they get hurt. Check out the website for this new exercise, though:

And I do have to also say that I got a really good feeling from these guys who were selling meditation mats (they just seemed to have good "auras"), so I might get into that sometime soon.

I finished reading the Dalai Lama's "How to Practice a the Way to a Meaningful Life" recently and I really see some value in promoting kindness and compassion to the world. Some describe this belief as "the force" (from Star Wars), and I really hope that I and other people will be able to embrace this to make a better world.

With that, I think I am going to burn some incense and reflect on my fortunate life, before going to bed tonight.

Thumbs up to the extra hour of time this weekend! =)

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