Did I not sing praises to Joe Torre back in the fall of 2007, and bid a "so long! we won't miss you" to A-Rod?
Of course I did!!
And now look, Joe's had his 13th playoff and the Dodgers just swept past the Rockies for the second time this season, and A-Rod's under fire for being a cheater (in more ways than one)!
I'm just that intuitive!!
And I also wanted to quickly mention that for Halloween 2008,Grasshopper dressed as Doug Funnie (as promised!!)-- and I even brought along Porkchop!

I think I'm finally accepting my inner dorkiness and looking to dress only in costumes that match my personality!
Ideas for next Halloween:
- Sherlock Holmes
- Spock (I LOVED the recent "Star Trek" movie-- but I might not be enough of a trekkie to pull this off...)
- The Doppler Effect (as Sheldon from "The Big Bang Theory" did-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J43lAESftPs&feature=related)