I was sure that I'd have some free time after coming back from Disneyworld, but things got very busy and the last month passed by in a blur!
I've been snowboarding TWICE-- on consecutive weekends when I saw the GIANTS WIN THE SUPER BOWL and then went rock-climbing with great friends!

I have to admit that I was never a big football fan, but the Giants' win was so inspiring that I took the following Tuesday off work to see their parade AND bought myself a Giants hat and blanket!
I seriously couldn't believe what a courageous performance the team gave, how amazing Eli Manning was, that incredible catch by David Tyree in the 4th quarter.... Suffice it to say, I am a Giants fan FOR LIFE!!
It's also been wonderful to be back rock-climbing, and I even saw the U2 3D movie with one of my new climbing friends!
Anyway, as promised, here are a few photos of myself at Disneyworld...
I actually finished the race in about 2:20! My coworker friend says I look "badass" in this photo. heheheh:

The past Presidents' Day weekend was also pretty eventful-- but for odder reasons.
I went to a bar on Saturday night with one of my friends and this older (maybe in her 40's) Asian woman, who kind of resembled Margaret Cho, tried to buy us drinks.
The bartender just plopped 4 coasters in front of me and my friend and told us that we were having more drinks, pointing out the lady in the corner who was waving and smiling at us.
I've honestly never considered myself to be all that attractive, so I'm guessing that my friend was probably just giving me a halo from his pretty white boy looks.
Oh! And on Sunday, I was at Starbucks, using my laptop as usual (I pay for the t-mobile wireless service) and an old man began to harass me for not getting a drink.
As he left, I think he was taking photos of me (I couldn't quite tell where he was pointing his camera) and he actually stood right behind me, trying to look at my computer screen.
I tried ignoring him, but he was like "so what are you doing?" and I gave him a weird look and he tapped me on the shoulder, told me to "have a great day" and left.
Weird stuff... huh?
I wanna go snowboarding again soon!! This weekend feels far less eventful (I am blogging at 11:45 on a Saturday night, after all...). =P