Four days later, he died from injuries he sustained during the beating and the 400 guests, who were invited to his wedding, instead attended his funeral.
The two men who killed Vincent Chin were eventually given three years probation and fined $3,780.Two nights ago, I saw a premier performance by the Pan Asian Repertory theater of "Carry the Tiger to the Mountain" - a staged documentary of the Vincent Chin case.
While I was touched to learn more about the story (I had studied it in my Asian American History class-- back in my days at good ol' U of Pee), I was seriously disappointed that today, twenty-five years after Mr. Chin's attack and subsequent death, the Asian American community has again slipped into seeming apathy.
The 25th anniversary of the case that supposedly brought together Asian Americans around the United States is barely causing a ripple in our community.
Hate crimes are unfortunately not a thing of the past and Asian Americans still experience the same ignorance and bigotry today that they faced twenty-five years ago.
For these reasons, I strongly urge anyone, who is interested in Asian American issues or wants to learn more about this case, to see the performance. It runs until tomorrow night- 25 years to the date when Vincent Chin died.
* Tragedy struck Virginia Tech in the form of an Asian American maniac, leaving me to question general Asian American values.
* Some lunatic tried to commit suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge during morning rush hour a few weeks ago-- causing tons of congestion and lost productivity, which made me quite annoyed. Some friends have since told me that I have "Asian ideals", as I believe that one should cause as less difficulty for everyone else, if they are really depressed to the brink of suicide.
* I met http://instantyang.blogspot.com/ writer, Jeff Yang, AND "Survivor: Cook Islands" winner, Yul Kwon, at this talk on Breaking Stereotypes of Asian American Men.
* My FAVORITE radio DJ's EVER were fired for being supposedly "racist" against Asian Americans-- which is total bullshit, since J.V. and Elvis' Doghouse Radio Show always made fun of EVERYONE (of all races and ethnicities) and was NEVER serious in its pranks.
* My interest in microfinance, especially through organizations like http://www.kiva.org/, was piqued; and coincidentally, I saw an off-broadway production, "In the Heights" (soon to be ON Broadway), that really related to this issue of investing in less affluent areas.
* I attended a Knicks game (vs. the Timberwolves) and those lewsers completely blew it.
And as these new developments were occurring in the world around us, the powers that be decided to give me more responsibility and entrust me to manage a new hire! Who woulda thunk that I'd have my own employee someday? heheheheh.
Anywho, there's just a sneak preview of what's to come. I'm also seeing a performance on the death of Vincent Chin (i.e. a Chinese man who was killed in Detroit 25 years ago-- by two white men, who thought he was Japanese and had "stolen" their jobs) in a few nights and I'm sure that'll be even more stuff to post!
Cheers to everyone!